You may think to yourself, "Self, look at this. Just another New Yorker talking up his better than average team like its a Super Bowl contender." Well tell yourself that you couldn't be more wrong.
Aside from the fact that I am a Jets fan, it is besides the point. And as a Jets fan you know there is nothing I'd like more than another Boston milestone blocked by another New York team. Do I really believe its going to happen? No. Should the Giants be playing the starters? My answer is yes.
If you asked anybody last week if this game was even going to be remotely competitive after the Giants clinched a playoff berth they would say no. That was until the media stepped in. If the Colts-Pats in the regular season was the Pre-Super Bowl, this is the Post-Pre-Super Bowl. Or the Pre-Pre-Superbowl. Any way you cut it, it's as if the Giants are getting that playoff-like contender attitude and experience they would have never had otherwise.
And if they lose, they could very well go on and win the Super Bowl because of t
That being said, I would say that I'm about 80% sure the Patriots will win. I mean let's face it, as much as you Giants fans want to talk about how many times Osi and Strahan can pressure Brady, is he even the type to be affected? No. Never mind the fact that the Giants' themselves have their own problems, and not just the injuries. Their week-by-week gameplan seems to have more wrinkles than Junior Seau's face.
As much as I may hate it, all us Jets fans are Giants fans tomorrow and win or lose, let's just hope for a Brady season-ending injury. That's right.
As much as I want the Giants to win Eli will probably screw it all up.
Eli being drunk explains soooooo much.
Giants have looked disgraceful, and Eli is helping them throw it away. But it seems like a common trait among our New York teams. Jets, Knicks, Yankees, and Giants seem like they aren't up to the standards we expect them to be.
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