Thursday, January 17, 2008

Forget Reinstatement, Pacman should be excecuted

I learned when I was three not to hit girls. I also learned at an age three not to repeat mistakes, especially when you get in trouble for it. Adam 'Pacman' Jones's maturation still has not reached this point in his 24 years of life. For a guy who wore a t-shirt of his dead grandmother on draft day, you'd think he would put more effort into making her proud.

There's absolutely no defending Jones. I can imagine his lawyer getting chronic carpal tunnel while scouring all of his law books for the next loophole. Let's see this lawyer turn this case of this woman who gets hit for stealing his money in a strip club into a parking ticket... because you know it's going to happen. Seriously, he's been in trouble with the law seven times on quick Wikipede. (I'm going to make that a word.)

To quote Family Guy:
Judge: In fact, If I could, I would put you in a place where you would be removed from the general public. Perhaps locked in a big, secure building with other dangerous people for a pre-determined period of time, based on the nature and degree of your offense. Unfortunately, as far as I know, no such place exists. So, I have no choice but to set you free.
No joke, this seems to be the deal for Jones. Hitting a woman was unforgivable the first time. What about the next four? How many times do you have to be told to stay out of strip clubs? And when you do decide to go back to said strip clubs, why would you "Make it rain" just to yet again Indian-give 'The Rain' like a storm drain? Why? Because people like Pacman never learn anything. He is unfixable. He cannot be rehabilitated.

People like him should be removed from society all together. People like him shouldn't make money and shouldn't be given second chances. People like him shouldn't be given high-priced lawyers so he could do this over and over again. This guy shouldn't be allowed back in the NFL. Heck, he shouldn't be allowed to bag groceries at a dollar store.

This is such a one-sided arguement. I can't imagine any explanation. I'm just waiting for Al Sharpton to butt his awkward Star Jones-like body into this situation to portray Jones as a victim. Please do, Mr. Sharpton, as you will continue to lose whatever credibility you have left. Go worry about bigger issues like how the white female golf analyst accidentally and jokingly offended 1/38th of Tiger Woods.

This isn't a race issue. This has nothing to do with being black. This has nothing to do with him being a football player. This has to do with an idiot who is addicted to committing felonies and getting away with it because he has the means to do so. And it makes me sick. So forget about making a living, this guy shouldn't be allowed to live.

And oh yeah. He wasn't that good of a football player either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jason Paderon asked around yesterday: If you could describe Adam 'Pacman' Jones in one get the picture.

The most frequent response was "Ni****" I think this speaks volumes for the character of Jones, and he seems to be keeping the tradition of Joneses in the news. We've got Marion going to prison for doping, Indiana manhandling crystal skulls, and now Adam 'Pacman' Jones hitting women and visiting one too many strip clubs.

I like to think of this guy as a closeted homosexual: you know they are gay, they know they are gay, it's just a matter of them coming out with it. Pacman needs to realize we all know he's living up to the stereotype, so all that's left is 'fessing up to it.